Goods & Services
Our Services:
Our General Price List details the  goods and services  we can provide to our customers.  You may choose only those items you desire.  However, any funeral arrangements you select will include a charge for basic service and overhead, if legal or other requirements mean you must buy any item you did not specifically ask for, we will explain the reason in writing on the statement we provide describing the funeral goods and services you selected. For more information contact us at 

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Copyright © 2010 Marks Funeral Home, Inc.. All Rights Reserved.
Packages: All packages include: Basic Funeral Director(s), staff overhead, embalming, dressing and casketing the remains. The use of facilities and staff for viewing, use of facilities and staff for funeral ceremony at the funeral home or any other facility. Local transfer of remains to the funeral home, hearse, limousine and the casket assigned to the specific package. For a complete list contact us at 

Pre-Paid Service
The service is paid for in advance of the need. This means the price of a future service is frozen at today's price.
Pre-Arranged Service
The selection of merchandise  and services was made before the actual death of a family member. This lightens the stress on the survivors.
Life Insurance
Call or come in to talk to one of our agents about insurance to cover funeral expenses.